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Getting Ready for the School Year: Custom Closet Design

Having a professional closet design company help you reorganize and design your kids’ closet before school starts can offer several benefits. Here are some reasons why it’s advantageous.

Maximize Space Utilization: Professional organizing companies maximize closet space. They can come up with creative storage solutions to fit more clothes, shoes, and accessories, making the most of every inch in the closet. Custom closet designs are not only extremely functional, but also incredibly beautiful! The possibilities are endless when you work with an expert like Mountain Sky Closet & Garage Designers in Steamboat Springs!

Storage Solutions to Customize Your Pantry:

● Every child’s needs are different, and a professional closet designer can tailor the closet design to suit your child’s specific requirements. This customization ensures that the closet is functional and perfectly tailored to your child’s belongings.

● Reorganizing a closet can be a time-consuming task, especially when you have a busy schedule. Hiring professionals saves time and effort, as they handle the entire process efficiently and effectively.

● Professional closet design companies have a keen eye for clutter and know how to efficiently declutter a space. They can help you identify items that are no longer needed and assist you in donating or disposing of them appropriately.

● Preparing for the school year can be stressful for both parents and children. Having a well-organized closet will reduce stress as everything will be easily accessible, making getting ready in the morning a breeze.

● An organized closet means no more frantic searches for missing items in the morning rush. Your child will know where everything is, saving time and reducing forgetting chances.

● A well-organized closet ensures clothes are stored properly, reducing wrinkles and damage. This can extend clothing items’ life, saving you money on replacements.

How Mountain Sky Closets & Garages can help:

We understand that every individual has different tastes and requirements. Whether it’s garage cabinet installation or custom closet design, our experts will provide a customized solution after visiting your place and provide you with the most appropriate design for your space and office requirements.

Get in touch with us at 970.846.7588 or email us at, and we will be more than happy to organize your kids’ closet before school starts which can make the back-to-school season much smoother and more manageable. Here’s a step-by-step guide on the best way to organize their closet:

● Begin by going through all the items in the closet, including clothes, shoes, accessories, and anything else stored there. Remove items that no longer fit, are damaged, or are no longer needed. Consider donating or giving away items that are in good condition but are not being used.

● Group similar items together to make it easier to organize. For example, gather all the shirts, pants, dresses, shoes, etc., in separate piles.

● Take a look at the closet space and decide on the best layout for your child’s needs. Consider whether shelves, hanging space, or drawers would work best for specific items.

● Utilize the full height of the closet by incorporating shelves or stackable storage bins. This allows you to store less frequently used items or seasonal clothing items higher up and keeps the frequently used ones at eye level.

● Dedicate a section of the closet to hanging clothes. Use child-sized hangers to prevent clothes from slipping off and to make it easier for your child to manage their clothes.

● Shelf dividers are great for keeping stacks of clothes, such as sweaters or t-shirts, neat and separated.

● Use a shoe rack or hanging shoe organizer to keep shoes organized and easily accessible. You can also consider clear shoeboxes to make it easy for your child to see which shoes are inside.

● Use labels or picture labels if your child is too young to read. Label drawers, bins, or shelves to indicate where specific items belong. This encourages your child to put things back in their designated places.

● Baskets or bins are useful for storing accessories, toys, or items that don’t have a specific place. They keep the closet looking tidy and prevent smaller items from getting lost.

● If space allows, consider designating a small area in the closet for a desk or a pull-out surface for your child to do their homework.

lnclude your child in the organization process. Discuss with them where they would like to keep their items and encourage them to put away their belongings regularly. When kids have a say in how their closet is organized, they are more likely to maintain it.
After organizing the closet, establish a routine for maintaining it. Regularly declutter and reorganize the space, especially before each new season, to keep it functional and clutter-free.

By following these steps, you can create an organized and efficient closet for your kids before the school year starts. It will not only make getting ready for school easier but also teach your child valuable organizational skills for the future to address your needs.