Organizing Your Closet
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Organizing Your Closet

Ideally, you imagine your closet to look something out of a fairy tale with color-coded hangers, labeled drawers, and neatly folded clothes that are stacked by color. In reality, it looks like the back of a dump truck and is your daily source of frustration.

Remember, it does not have to be that way. Many simple and elegant customized closet solutions are available that make your closet look like it should. An organized closet looks neat and saves a lot of time and effort.

Get Some Closet Accessories

There is nothing better than a few accessories that take your closet to the next level. These simple gadgets are functional and make your closet quite beautiful and stylish. Better yet, they give you a place for everything, so you have to put everything in its place.

Valet Hanger Bars

Have you ever hung your shirt on the doorknob? Or how about a curtain railing? Most people are guilty of using everything around their house as valet bars but never got the actual one.

As fancy as the name sounds, these are hanger bars that you can slide out of your closet. You might never know you need these until you get one. They come in two designs; one can hang multiple clothes that you can pull out. The other is a rod-type that you can hang clothes while you brush them down or steam iron them.

The best thing about these bars is that they are designed specifically to hang clothes and not open doors or reel your curtains along.

Tie Racks

You might be storing your ties, belts, and scarves on the main hanger bar, or if you are like most people, stuffing them in the drawer. This might seem an easy way to store them, but it surely is not the best. Belts, scarves, and ties can take up a lot of space in the drawer and can take permanent damage if forced too much or left in there for too long.

The solution? A simple tie rack can be installed in the closet to hang your belts, scarves, and ties neatly without risking any damage to them.

Jewelry Drawer Inserts

If you have a lot of jewelry, chances are you also have a lot of jewelry boxes. It can be quite a hassle going through every jewelry box, looking for that one bracelet you want to wear. Even when you find it, it is tangled with other stuff, and you have to sit down and undo the knots with your keen eyes and sharp fingernails.

Wouldn’t it be so much better if you had all your jewelry in one place, well-organized, and easy to pick up and put back? This is exactly what a jewelry drawer can do for you. When customizing your closet, make sure to add a jewelry drawer to give your valuable jewelry a place that it can truly call home.

Pull Out Hamper

Everyone loves to look at their fancy clothes neatly organized in the closet. Even if you are a top Hollywood star who boasts about not repeating clothes, you will still have dirty laundry. There is no better place to keep your dirty clothes than in a pull-out hamper in your closet. Your room remains neat, your closet remains neat, and you remain organized.

Double Hanger Bars

You don’t have to clutter all your shirts and pants on one rod. If you have a tall cabinet, it is best to get double bars to achieve a more organized and convenient look. Having double hanger bars will also double your space for hanging clothes.

Hang Your Clothes Right

If it needs to be ironed on an iron board, it is better off hung than folded. Hanging your clothes saves them from getting unwanted creasing and wrinkles, which can be quite a struggle on the ironing board.

But when we say hang clothes, do we mean get some random wire, slip your expensive shirts on, and hook them into the closet? Nope. Here are some essential tips that you can use to keep your outfits in excellent shape.

The Right Hangers

The only reason that wire hangers are free is that they are worthless. They are futile pieces of scrap wire that do more harm than good to your clothes. Even though they might be useful for clearing out a drain or when you are locked out of your car, fashion experts still hate them.

Remember to use the correct hangers for every garment. For example, for a formal suit jacket, you will require one with broad shoulders to support the shoulder padding in the jacket. But you will not use such a hanger for your polo shirt.

It is best to have a set of hangers for each purpose. The wood ones with metal hooks work best for everyday use. They give the clothes the required support and keep your closet looking neat. Try to use the same hangers for similar clothing and stack them next to each other to save space.

Button Up the Shirts

There is a reason you are hanging your shirts; to help them maintain their original shape. For those of us who find it too difficult to button up the shirts when hanging them, you might as well fold them or leave them lying on your bed.

Leaving your shirt hanging like a worthless piece of fabric will make it worthless. Button it up from top to bottom to prevent wrinkling and save it from unwanted stretching at the collar. However, do not button up your pants when hanging them.

Hanging Pants

For pants with creases, grab the pants at the cuffs let them hang freely. Fold the pant (vertically) along the creases, and then put them over the hanger bar. If there are no creases, fold the pant in half to get one cuff over the other and place them over the hanger bar.

Last Few Words

It is best to trust the experts to get customized closet solutions. In Steamboat Springs, Mountain Sky Closets & Garages is the solution to all your storage requirements. Our team of experts has been working with closets and garage storage for several years, and we understand storage inside out.

We believe every home is different, and every space requires a different storage solution. Our experts can pay a visit to your home to provide you with the best storage solution for your place, keeping your budget in view. Please feel free to contact us at 970.846.7588 or email us at